March 30, 2023 from 10:00am to 2:00pm Pacific Standard Time
University of California San Diego
Like most good higher education institutions, the University of California San Diego (UCSD) takes their architecture seriously. It holds specific design standards to ensure the development of the campus is in harmony with the existing, anchoring architectural icons. A trio of award-winning buildings on campus is proving that affordable architecture can indeed be architecture with a capital “A,” according to Matthew Smith, principal architect with the UCSD Capital Program Management.
Guests will enjoy a behind-the-scenes tour of UCSD's campus, including three tilt-up projects (East Campus Office Building, Triton Ballpark and Marye Anne Fox Clubhouse, and the Spanos Athletic Performance Center) as well as other concrete masterpieces like the Geisel Library named in honor of Audrey and Theodor Geisel (Dr. Seuss), and built in 1970.
Lunch will be served on campus.