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John Gupton Stadium

Leander Independent School District made the decision to procure this project using the design/build delivery method. This provided a unique opportunity for each proposer to choose the best building systems to meet the needs of the project.

The contractor chosen selected a high performance design using insulated Tilt-Up with formliner, self-consolidating concrete and a unique staining process to provide an exterior finish that is both durable and matches the surrounding natural stone. The insulated Tilt-Up system is also uniquely durable on the interior and provides superior structural performance and thermal efficiency.

The final project included more than 152 Tilt-Up wall panels and 13 individual structures. The 13 structures on the complex consist of a press box, two field houses, two concession buildings, two ticket booths and six restrooms. Tilt-Up construction was not limited to the 13 structures: Tilt-Up construction was used at the main entry, "stampede panels" for concealing the rolling gates when in the open position and under the press box "airplane panels" as an aesthetic feature. The dumpster enclosures and the walls on each side of the stairs leading down into the field were also Tilt-Up panels.

The Tilt-Up panels at Gupton Stadium are sandblasted, painted, stained or a combination of the three.

Main banner image for John Gupton Stadium

Project Location

Cedar Park, TX 78613
United States


The Tilt-Up Achievement Awards were established to honor projects that use site-cast tilt-up concrete to introduce new building types, advance industry technology and provide unique solutions to building programs. Winning entries illustrate the variety, beauty, and flexibility of tilt-up construction.



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