Dan Djikanovic Tilt Up Concrete Construction Consulting (DDC)
Tilt Up Construction Consultant - New company start up including onsite supervision and training - Procurement, estimating, layout, construction techniques - Temporary fill in for employee vacations, sick leave, overload periods, etc. - Problem solving, troubleshooting - Former Contractor for 25 years - Long/Short Term Assignments - International Assignments
Dan Djikanovic
1047 Aquamarine Dr
Gulf Breeze, FL 32563-3003 US
(314) 581-7049
Dan Djikanovic Tilt Up Concrete Construction Consulting (DDC)
Join Date: January 1, 1970
Expiration Date: January 1, 1970
Primary Contact: Dan Djikanovic
Tilt-Up Convention and Expo 2013 - Houston
October 2013 | Sugar Land, Texas (Attendee)
ACI/TCA Certification (General)
January 2011 (Attendee)
Tilt-Up Cyber Roundtable
January 2017 - Present (Member)
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