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Tilt-Up Future Think 2.0 will present a series of talks focused on emerging technologies and ideas with promising applicability for the tilt-up concrete construction industry. Organized into three sessions, workforce, fabrication and concrete, the talks will be followed by a panel discussion where global experts in tilt-up design, engineering and construction will discuss the potential of each idea and how it could shape tilt-up of the future. The event is designed as a focused review of these technologies. The panel’s thoughts on each technology will be published and will serve to inform the limited research dedicated resources of our members.


Education DETAILS

Session 1: Workforce

June 20, 2019 from 1:00pm to 2:00pm Central Time

Capitol Peak A - 38th Floor

Bionic Construction Workers
Kristi Martindale, Executive Vice President & Chief Marketing Officer - Sarcos

For more than 25 years, Sarcos has created dexterous robotic systems designed to master the world’s most dangerous and unpredictab...

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Session 2: Fabrication

June 20, 2019 from 2:00pm to 3:00pm Central Time

Capitol Peak A - 38th Floor

Construction 3D Printing
Henrik Lund-Nielsen, Founder & CEO - COBOD

COBOD strives towards full automation in the construction industry by designing 3D construction printers and automated processes for the building site. In 2017 they 3D printed...

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Session 3: Concrete

June 20, 2019 from 3:00pm to 4:30pm Central Time

Capitol Peak A - 38th Floor

CO2 mineralization and Concrete
Ted Jones, PE, Vice President of Sales and Marketing - CarbonCure

CarbonCure is leading a global movement to reduce the carbon footprint of the built environment, using recycled CO2 to imp...

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Track highlight


The mysterious knowledge surrounding the transportation and placement of megalithic structures of the past eludes contemporary building practices. Walking Assembly re-introduces the potentials of that ancient knowledge to better inform the transportation and assembly of future architectures. If a brick is designed for a single hand, and a concrete masonry unit (CMU) is designed for two, these massive masonry units (MMU) unshackle the dependency between size and the human body. Intelligence of transportation and assembly is designed into the elements themselves, liberating humans to guide these colossal concrete elements into place. Structures that would otherwise rely on cranes or heavy equipment can now be intelligently assembled and disassembled with little energy. By using variable density concrete, the center of mass of the object is calibrated precisely to control the stable, but easy motion of the elements. This ensures that these massive elements successfully walk and assemble into place, creating the possibility for a crane-less tilt-up construction method and turning our building sites into spectacles of play.

Join us for a presentation of this research and discussion surrounding its potential applicability for the tilt-up construction industry.