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Type Technology Tilt-Wall - Musings on Innovation's DNA

December 7, 2017 from 1:00pm to 2:00pm Central Standard Time

Regency AB

Jeffrey Brown, FAIA, FTCA

The ongoing technological evolution of the tilt-wall construction system has begun to yield numerous formal results, five- and six-story load-bearing wall structures, infrastructural elements and super-tall sculptural panels to name a few. This in turn has fueled an existing but growing phenomenon; that of tilt-wall's use in new building types and new uses in old typologies. In a way- the new invading the old and the old utilizing the new. Buildings once thought not doable in tilt-wall for reasons of quality, such as museums, schools and housing, are opening up, while office buildings, manufacturing and laboratory buildings, to name a few, are being designed as exploitations of the newly developed formal possibilities.

  • If you have any questions, please contact the TCA at (319) 895-6911.

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